On bauhaus stories, we dive into the unpacking events’ topics with interviews, essays and features, thus providing a deeper understanding of the exhibition and key questions of museum collection practices. For months, the project team has been dealing with questions like: How are Jak R. Maier and the Bauhaus connected? Which stories do his photo albumes tell us? How should the museum manage his estate?
Dive into Jak R. Maier’s artistic and private archive. After the opening remark of Bauhaus-Archiv director Annemarie Jaeggi you can stroll through the exhibition on your own and learn more about Maier at four stations. The project team is waiting for your questions and experiences! One of the evening’s highlights: our Maier-Memory with which you can playfully gain insights into Jak R. Maier’s life and works. Like all unpacking events, the vernissage will be followed by the designers sieblersiebler. They document interesting results from the talks on-site becoming part of the exhibition process.